For all general inquiries about the Healthy Families Illinois program, contact:
Elaine Duensing
Find the Healthy Families America contacts for Illinois on their locator.
Heathy Families Illinois State Network
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Contact information:
Labraya Harris, IDHS -
Penelope Smith, ISBE –
Mark Valentine, Ounce of Prevention Fund –
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is made up of Funding Administrators, Program Managers and Collaborative Partners. Their primary goal is to provide leadership and support to programs and ensure best practice across programs. This committee meets on a quarterly basis. For more information contact: Vikki Thompson and Elaine Duensing
Program Training and Evaluation Committee
The Program Training and Evaluation Committee includes all Program Managers, Funding Administrators, Training Partners and Collaborative Partners to offer support around programmatic issues. Their goal is to present timely information related to programmatic issues. The focus is on ensuring that programs have the opportunity to discuss issues that are of concern to them and learn from the peers across the state. This committee meets on a quarterly basis. For more information contact: Vikki Thompson and Rosaura Realegno
Work Group
The work group members are the HFI Program Managers, Funding Administrators, Training Partners and Statewide Stakeholders offering all program managers the opportunity to discuss research based practice, funding opportunities, and Federal and State initiatives. There is a strong focus on national issues and expanding the focus beyond the model. This group meets on an as needed basis.
Public Awareness and Community Development
The Public Awareness and Community Development Committee meets three times per year by teleconference. Everyone from the HFI State Work Group and/or HFI Program staff and advocates who is interested in participating in this work is welcomed and encouraged to attend the meetings
The Public Awareness and Community Development Committee focuses on promoting Healthy Families programs across the state. The committee’s primary current goals include; planning and implementing the Healthy Families Illinois (HFI) Summit (a full-day networking event for all Healthy Families Illinois program staff and advocates) and planning the annual Home Visitors (HV) Celebration Dinner. For more information contact: JuliaMarynus and Elaine Duensing
Policy and Advocacy
The Healthy Families Illinois Policy and Advocacy Committee consists of representatives from Healthy Families program sites, child advocacy groups, policy analysts and other interested individuals from across the state who collectively advocate for child policy issues at the local, state and federal levels. Through the passionate work of the network of members, the HFI policy committee helps program sites mobilize and take action around proposed budget cuts, identify gaps in service provision and link the work of Healthy Families Illinois community with larger statewide services and initiatives that promote positive parenting as well as the healthy growth and development of young children.
The committee meets quarterly and more often when issues arise. Participation is voluntary, but each HFI site is encouraged to designate a representative(s) to attend meetings so that they can stay current on the legislative issues that may affect their participant’s families and community. For more information contact: Becky Beilfuss and Diane Scruggs
Cluster Groups
The cluster groups are regional meetings for program supervisors and direct service staff to offer support and training opportunities. The cluster groups function differently in each region. For general information contact: Elaine Duensing
Suburban cook meets quarterly, in person at Teen Parent Connection in Glen Ellyn, a central location, with supervisors. As needed they arrange training for all staff and on several occasions have had a retreat for staff that is a day of reflection and rejuvenation. Contact Heather Moyer at
Chicago meets quarterly in person at the IDHS office at 401 south Clinton and by teleconference. They meet primarily as supervisors and discuss issues around supervision and typically have a presenter to discuss a topic of interest to all programs. Contact Sara Barrera at
Northwest meets a minimum of two times per year and typically three times. Meetings may include a morning for staff training with time in the afternoon for program managers and FSW’s to network. One of these meetings is typically during the spring and is held in conjunction with the Human Service Conference in Freeport. Contact Julia Marynus at
Central meets in person, quarterly, at Children’s Home and Aid in Bloomington, a central location. The group is designed solely for supervisors to network and discuss supervision, credentialing, and training issues. Contact Jaime Russell
Southern meets two times in person at the Fayette County Health Department in Vandalia, a central location, and two times via teleconference. The teleconference meetings are for supervisors to discuss supervision issues and the in person meetings provide training for all staff in the morning and a time for networking by supervisors and FSW’s in the afternoon. Contact Jesslyn Jobe at