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SESSION C: Thursday, October 17

3:15pm - 4:30pm

Key: ++ Home Visiting Track              ◊◊ ACEs Track

C1 - “Sexual Exploitation of Children: A Medical Perspective”

Claudia Plumer, APRN, SANE-P, Pediatric Resource Center

Amanda Thomison, Child Protection Specialist, Pediatric Resource Center

This workshop will provide an overview of the medical perspective of sexual exploitation of children, with an emphasis on the medical and social work team-based model to provide trauma-informed care for the child and family.

C2 - “Combatting Child Abuse with CANVA" (repeat session)

Stephanie Jewett, Director of Community Education and Training, McLean County Children's Advocacy Center

Have you ever wondered how you can take your agency’s social media presence or branding to the next level with little to no budget? I’m going to show you how! This workshop will teach you how to use Canva, a graphic design platform that allows you to create professional-looking graphics presentations, and other visual content without any design experience.

C3 - “Moving Prevention Forward: An Equity-Centered Approach” (repeat session)

Jessie Heckenmueller, M.S.W. (she/her), Digital Engagement Manager, Child Welfare Information Gateway

Gabriel Foley, B.S. (he/him), Knowledge Management Specialist, Child Welfare Information Gateway

This workshop will equip participants at all levels to move child abuse and neglect prevention efforts forward while also considering disproportionality and disparity in child welfare. We will share key concepts, starting with the necessity of centering equity in efforts to support child and family well-being and pair them with examples at the practitioner and macro levels.

◊◊ C4 - “Positive Childhood Experiences"

Gary Pate, Senior Trainer, YouthCare

A lot of attention and research has focused on the impacts of Adverse Childhood Experiences, or ACEs, in recent years. Understanding the negative impact on a child’s overall development and even into adulthood is important, but equally important is understanding what can be done to prevent or mitigate the effects of ACEs. This training will offer learners an introduction to Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) and how they can implement strategies to improve outcomes for children and families.

++ C5 - “Trauma-Informed Approaches in Home Visiting:

Karen Williams, Technical Assistance and Training Specialist, Start Early

Elaine Duensing, MA, LPC, Senior Program Advisor, Start Early

Hannah Jones-Lewis, LCSW, National Home Visiting Manager, Start Early

Research shows there are higher rates of adversity and trauma exposure for participants in child protective services and home visiting programs compared to the general population. Home visiting programs have a unique opportunity to provide safe, effective, and respectful discussions with families about trauma and adversity in early childhood. This session will focus
on foundations of trauma-informed practice, how trauma-informed practice fits within the home visiting field and will share a bit about one innovative program: NEAR@Home,
which is a framework that uses trauma-informed practices in home visiting.

++ C6 - “Perinatal Mood Disorder Support & Prevention"

Rachel Chruszczyk, Southern Region Prevention Specialist, Prevent Child Abuse Illinois

Join our enlightening workshop on perinatal mental health, designed for professionals and parents. This workshop provides comprehensive insights into perinatal mood disorders, their impact on individuals and families, and effective prevention and community care strategies. We will explore the fundamentals, signs, and symptoms of perinatal mood disorders, their connection to child mistreatment, and research-based interventions to promote healthy parent-child relationships. Learn about early identification, screening tools, and the role of professionals and support networks in fostering resilience to promote perinatal mental health and to provide vital support for affected individuals.

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