SESSION A: Thursday, October 17
10:45am - 12:00pm
Key: ++ Home Visiting Track ◊◊ ACEs Track
A1 - Holistic Advocacy: Working the Intersection of
Domestic Violence and Child Wellbeing”
Chloé McMurray, Chief Capacity Building Officer, Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Because domestic violence is present in 30 to 60% of child welfare caseloads nationally and is one of the three most common circumstances present in the lives of families coming into state care, domestic violence cases in the child welfare system are some of the most complex and difficult cases for child welfare workers to navigate. Despite these facts, partnerships between child welfare services and domestic violence programs have not shown up until recent years.
A2 - “Combating Child Abuse with CANVA”
Stephanie Jewett, Director of Community Education and Training, McLean County Children's Advocacy Center
Have you ever wondered how you can take your agency’s social media presence or branding to the next level with little to no budget? I’m going to show you how! This workshop will teach you how to use Canva, a graphic design platform that allows you to create professional-looking graphics presentations, and other visual content without any design experience.
A3 - “Moving Prevention Forward: An Equity-Centered Approach”
Jessie Heckenmueller, M.S.W. (she/her), Digital Engagement Manager, Child Welfare Information Gateway
Gabriel Foley, B.S. (he/him), Knowledge Management Specialist, Child Welfare Information Gateway
This workshop will equip participants at all levels to move child abuse and neglect prevention efforts forward while also considering disproportionality and disparity in child welfare.
We will share key concepts, starting with the necessity of centering equity in efforts to support child and family well-being and pair them with examples at the practitioner and macro levels.
◊◊ A4 - “Be A Good Mom: The Unique Experiences of Mothers Impacted by Addiction”
Megan Ragan, LCSW, Southern Illinois Resource and Advocacy Center
I want to be a good mom"--- heavy words reflecting a deep desire of parents all over the world. But what happens when being a "good mom" doesn't come naturally? What happens when a person's motherhood is overshadowed by challenges such as substance misuse, mental health, and addiction? This workshop will dive into the unique experiences of mothers impacted by addiction and trauma, and discuss how societal definitions and expectations specific to motherhood can often create barriers to treatment and recovery.
++ A5 - “Both Sides of the Door: Learning from Home Visitors and Doulas Who Have Been Participants”
Dara Williamson, Bridget Lally, and Jess Jobe, Start Early HFI/Doula Team Members
This workshop is a facilitated conversation with home visitors and doulas who have previously participated in a home visiting program. We’ll learn from their lived experience more about the family’s perspective and how home-visiting programs can partner more effectively with families.
++ A6 - “Empowering Families through Parenting and Caregiving Education”
Katharine Bensinger, Founder and CEO, ParenTeach Institute
Stephanie Starr, Director of Education, ParenTeach Institute
Our target audience is child welfare staff, home visitors, educators, medical practitioners, and social workers/counselors. We cover why positive caregiving education is critical and introduce ParentABLE’s 6.5-hour positive parenting and caregiving unit. Participants will view portions of ParentABLE, hear facilitator feedback, and leave with a clear understanding of the course content, an appreciation of the evidence that supports the need for positive parenting and caregiver education, and how to offer ParentABLE.